
Our goal at Windward Farm is to provide a safe, fun, family oriented atmosphere for the equine enthusiast. We offer year round indoor instruction from beginners to advanced riders in Equitation, Hunt Seat, Jumping, Saddle Seat and Western along with Pleasure and Carriage Driving. Whether you would like to become a serious show ring competitor or would simply like to enjoy casual riding instruction in a friendly, safe environment – there is a place for you here.

At Windward Farm we believe that most of us learn better with personalized attention and each rider will progress at their own pace. Based on this theory our lessons are ½ hour private lessons with one on one personalized attention. This allows us to focus on the individual needs of you and your horse. Of this ½ hour approximately 25 minutes will be spent riding with a few minutes at the beginning for warm up and at the end for cool down.

We also believe that there is more to good horsemanship that simply riding. We encourage all of our students to come 10 to 15 minutes early to help with grooming and tacking prior to riding and encourage leaving extra time to care for the horse after the lesson. This enables students to learn the basics of good horsemanship and increase the bond and understanding between horse and rider. We also encourage parents to observe lessons and to help their children as much as possible feeling that this provides a chance for family interaction that is found in few other sports.

64 Windward Lane · Port Matilda, PA 16870
(814) 692-4551